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Our logo Story

Super duper excited to share our LOGO's story to you all!!


As you all know that I am very passionate about early years and love sharing with you my tid bits almost all the time conveying the importance of these crucial years, be it the first year or the pre-school years. Early Insight, is the manifestation of that love of mine. The foundation being, that the brain, right from the start needs a strong nurturing, caring, loving, engaging, enriching and stimulating environment to blossom. The first few years of brain development are too crucial, there is too much of building up happening inside. Apparently, it might appear that a new born is only good to pee, sleep and feed but its not!! Its just not like that. We cannot be so ignorant when  brain cells are connecting at lightning speed, neural pathways are being laid depending on the stimulus ‘we’ as parent provide, the responsibility clearly lies on us!! We have to keep ourselves updated and abreast of the facts and findings and parent accordingly. Early Insight comes right in there to help you, guide you and equip you with the right understanding and the tools. Hence, our logo is a clear  amalgamation of a tree and the brain because to us, both need not only healthy but daily nurturing to grow to their highest potential.


Early Insight also strongly advocates the involvement of senses to make learning not only impactful but fun too. That is why we have incorporated various modes and mediums which stimulate/involve our kid’s senses as they learn various things like phonics, creative writing, or involve in storytelling, or do various diy activities, anything and everything which ignites new connections in their brain. (look at the logo closely to clearly see them)


Lastly, my favourite part – the color!!  (Colors play an important role in logo designing. Like red is to catch attention, it’s an aggressive color. Blue is for professionalism and loyalty and likewise.) I have always imagined and dreamt of Early Insight being a warm, loving and a wholesome place for children and their parents. A place which not only strengthens the foundation in a fun filled way but gives security and warmth in abundance ; be it online or off!!


I have also visioned Early Insight as a place where we parents, evolve in our parenting journey in the most honest, purest, true-st way possible. By this I mean, we try to be aware of all the pits and falls of our very own parenting and are also conscious to not raise our little ones out of our ego. Parenting has to be simple, steady, dependable, reliable, secure and it must always heal us and our little ones when needed. And, brown was the perfect choice as it mirrored all these beautiful emotions so perfectly.


Our logo is an extension of our brand, and our brand tells a story. A story which we all so lovingly share!

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