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Phonics is the understanding that letters represent the sounds of spoken language and that there is an organised, logical and predictable relationship between written letters and spoken sounds. It is a method of teaching reading and writing of the English language by developing phonemic awareness - the ability to hear, identify and manipulate sounds.


There are many school of thoughts and methodologies for teaching phonics –  Phunny Phonics Program by Early Insight was gradually curated  based on my 10 years of experience with children and my understanding of the different  methodologies. During this decade my little students taught me a lot in terms of ways and methods which failed and then which just clicked.

I devised various ways, invented many indigenous and easy activities for my little learners to make concepts clear. Me and my phonics actually evolved and matured with them. So, all this is a result of that.


Here, I have tried to put down various concepts and their related activities, which are easy DIYs, involving no fancy stuff. If you are a mommy who is not into craft, then too, you would love doing them because they are super duper easy and fun . Do give them a try!




Before we dig deep into the subject, I would like to share a challenge I come across many times. Phonics has been a little controversial for its benefits and methodologies. I have met parents having many apprehensions in, around & about Phonics. They are reluctant in asking for help as they so strongly feel that phonics come by default at school or children read on their own and the hoola hoop around Phonics is not required. As an educator, I so strongly believe that to learn a new skill or a subject and to enjoy while learning, one must have the holistic conviction and faith. By holistic, I mean, trusting the fact that, this learning is useful, it has sure shot benefits, banking on the methods and also on the teacher/trainer. Embarking a new journey with a doubt in your heart, makes not only the journey difficult but the destination never seems to appear. Right?


Based on my experience, I have listed few main apprehensions and have tried my best to put them at ease. Do give it a quick read here to settle yours , if any.

Though there could be endless ways to devise activities around a topic and so I would like to encourage you to curate and craft them according to your child's interests. Trust me, its so fun and satisfying too! The activities listed below are the ones I did for my phonics learners and they worked great for us. All the titles below are clickable and would lead you to further details. I am sure, these are going to inspire you to make your phonics time with your kids more enriching & engaging.

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