SLOW DOWN Do your best to slow down. Never be in a hurry with your baby. The caregiving times like feeding, diapering, bathing, sleeping are special times. These are the opportunities when you strengthen your bond with your baby, so what’s the hurry?
Create a sense of calm and peacefulness. This gives your baby the opportunity to follow what is happening and participate when he is able to. You must be wondering, “How slow?” My suggestion is, “As slowly as you can.” Do as if you and your baby are on an island with no other work to do except to take care of the little being. What will you do? You will do each and every caregiving task in the most unhurried manner. Do it that way. Because actually, there is no other work as important as this. If this analogy doesn’t go well with you, then think of a movie played in a slow motion. Whatever it is, the message is “slow down” Providing a peaceful environment and an unhurried schedule where your baby has the opportunity to be in the moment with you, can support his growing self –awareness and ability to self-regulate. And most importantly it keeps you calm.