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What to do/How to handle when your little one constantly interrupts your conversation with someone?

Writer's picture: Manika ShahManika Shah

What to do/How to handle when your little one constantly interrupts your conversation you are having with someone. The ‘someone’ could be a friend, an old acquaintance, a family member or a stranger. And you could be talking over phone or face to face. The options of who and how could be many but the only common feature will be the “constant nagging” by none other than your little one !

No matter how much lecture you give or how many times you bribe them for not doing it, but it always remains like a ‘one time offer’. The situation becomes so tricky sometimes that neither you can scold your child openly, fearing that you will be judged as a bad parent, nor your child is willing to comprehend any of your “stare”.

What to do then?

There is a way which I personally found very powerful and thoughtful so thought of sharing with you all and hence this topic today.

All you have to do is – sit with your child one day and make this strategy which is – next time when mumma is talking to someone and you want to tell/ask/share anything, all what you have to do is, put your hand on mumma’s arm ( and not tap it repeatedly). Mumma will get to know that you want to say something and so mumma will quickly wrap up the conversation or take a pause to address your concern.

Just reinforce this till it becomes a ritual between both of you. Take this one step ahead by putting your hand on your child’s hand , the moment he puts it on your arm. By doing this, you are in a way acknowledging your child’s gesture and it encourages him to be patient as he knows that mumma will address his concern soon. Please make sure that you either ask the other person for a pause or wind up the conversation quickly. This is essential to build your child’s trust and will motivate him to continue the same.

As I mentioned, this is so very powerful and mindful : yields the desired result without any whims, does not disrupts the harmony in the energy around and saves you from the embarrassment and in turn save your child from your scary looks ;-)


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